Yesterday I visited Lighthouse Point Natural Area, aka Jetty Woods. As I walked 
past Newman Golf Course I noticed one possible reason I had not any Osprey at 
the nest platform at the NW corner of the golf course as I viewed it from 
across Cayuga Inlet near the boat ramp at Allan H Treman State Marine Park. An 
Osprey was standing on the east side of the platform, and the tall pile of 
sticks forming the nest might have blocked the view!

The maximum number of Ospreys I saw at once, looking across Cayuga Inlet toward 
the marina was 3 in the air.

Looking from the golf course I didn’t see anyone at the nest along Fall Creek 
near the green suspension bridges. But that was just a brief observation. Maybe 
that’s not enough this early in the season.

Awhile ago I said how the nest at Union Field in Cass Park was occupied by a 
pair of Ospreys. Then, every time I’ve gone past since, no one has been on the 
nest, including this afternoon as I walked past going north along the Cayuga 
Waterfront Trail in Cass Park. But just north of Linderman Creek I saw an 
Osprey to the north hovering above Cayuga Inlet. This Osprey turned and began 
flying toward Union Field as another Osprey flew south over the Inlet to join 
the first. They circled close over the Union Field nest and alit there, one on 
the nest and the other on the perch. It was a quiet statement. We are still 
here, in this together. 

I turned around and could see the NW golf course nest in the distance. 
Binoculars did not reveal any Osprey on that nest or platform, but then an 
Osprey flew into view and alit higher in an adjacent tree. Again that’s 3 at 
the same time, in places where I expected them, and it suggests to me that 
those Ospreys are claiming those nests, not simply flying around and trying out 
different nests. 

- - Dave Nutter

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