> Ithaca, New York (where the skies are very rarely clear during celestial 
> events.)

The evening _before_ the eclipse the skies were quite clear. I went up to the 
top of my hill in West Danby with a couple of my neighbors, and we enjoyed 
viewing Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks through binoculars and spotting scope for the 
better part of an hour.

Of course the day of the eclipse was cloudy. My daughter in Ithaca got a nice 
photo of the partly eclipsed sun through a brief hole in the cloud cover. No 
such luck in West Danby. At the darkest point, my feeder birds briefly 
disappeared. But the Raven female across the road began begging very loudly and 
insistently. I saw her partner head off toward the valley in the gloom, 
presumably to find something for her. My chickens did not bother going to roost.


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