Martin Pool wrote:
> Tim Niemueller wrote:
>> Martin Pool wrote:
>>> Tim Niemueller wrote:
>>>> [...@columbus firevision]$ make -j
>>>>  --- Compiling main.cpp (C++)
>>>> gcc: \uffffC/distccd_219a0097.ii: File or directory not found
>>>> gcc: no input files
>>>> distcc[17494] ERROR: compile main.cpp on lechuck failed
>>>> make: *** [.obj/main.o] Fehler 1
>>> Do you really get a \uffff character there?  Is it printed as the 
>>> backslash escape, or is that unicode character written into the 
>>> output stream?
>> No, but the output looks as if it was filled with tabs. 
>> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, so yes, this probably is a unicode escape. I don't 
>> know why. Thunderbird writes it if I copy by marking the message in my 
>> xterm and pasting.
> So if you have a syntax error, you get a 'file not found', plus this 
> \uffff?  That's wierd.

Yes. This is what I get. The program looks like this:

main( int argc, char **argv )
   FirewireCamera cam;
   //FileLoader cam(FileLoader::YUV411, "sample.yuv", 640, 480);
   ImageDisplay display(640, 480);;

Of course it should complain about the junk line.

[...@columbus firevision]$ make
  --- Making Dependencies for main.cpp (C++)
  --- Compiling main.cpp (C++)
gcc: \uffff\uffffl        /distccd_f85f55ed.ii: Datei oder Verzeichnis 
nicht gefunden
gcc: keine Eingabedateien
distcc[18542] ERROR: compile main.cpp on lechuck failed
make: *** [.obj/main.o] Fehler 1

So now even more "invisible" characters on the line. But is there a 
chance that this is related to the problem? The log states that all 
names are plain ASCII... Remember that this only happens when using the 
"distcc -> ccache combo". distcc and ccache alone work just fine.


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