Hello again,

Is there any way to set up microflow on the ESW module? Looks like there is
limitation for FastEthernet ports that it has to min 1mgbps or for gig port
it has to be 5mgbps. In the documentation they also mention that under
policy map if you do not specify "policer agregate" then this becomes
microflow. We can not use policer aggreate on the switch module "it is not
available" or we can not police less then 500000 and assign policy map to
individual FastEth ports. However, we can apply the policy-map that is
policing for less then 500000 bps and apply this to VLAN interface then this
becomes microflow?????? If so should this be the way for 3550 switch? I am
guessing that we just create policing under policy map for Int Vlan and that
will be microflow. But on the 3550 we can also create policing under 500000
bps and assign this to individual FastEther ports.

I am really confused and cisco documentations are not really clear about how
to handle this. I read al least 4 different documents that I can send the
links for but no luck.

Any help will be seriously appreciated,



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