Has any one had any luck with the IPExpert voice BLS launching on Mac OS X 
If I launch the Ipexpert Mac OS X.app directly from the HD. I get the following 
error in the console. (Below under Error)

I installed the latest Adobe flash binary and same issue.  It looks the apps 
may have been developed by a Multimedia Limited app. What flash player should I 
load that is compatible?
I have Adobe Flash Player version

1/3/09 7:07:02 PM [0x0-0x8c08c].com.yourcompany.mdm_flash_player[14282] 
/Volumes/IP/IPexpert Mac OS X.app/Contents/MacOS/mdm_flash_player: 
/Volumes/IP/IPexpert Mac OS X.app/Contents/MacOS/mdm_flash_player: cannot 
execute binary file 

1/3/09 7:07:02 PM com.apple.launchd[79] 
([0x0-0x8c08c].com.yourcompany.mdm_flash_player[14282]) Exited with exit code: 

Ryan Hicks 

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