
I tried to set up SRST and unity scenario. Here is the problem

unity--HQ ---pstn-----BR1 (SRST)
        2001              3001

2001 call 3001 and CFNA redirect call to unity via pstn , redirecting number
works fine but only 8 digits passed to unity!!!!

Here is the out put of debug isdn on HQ when call forwarded to unity.

HQ :499-202-2XXXX
BR1 :899-303-3XXX
voice pilot number : 2229

Mar 11 20:01:40.060: ISDN Se0/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref =
        Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
                Standard = CCITT
                Transfer Capability = Speech
                Transfer Mode = Circuit
                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
        Channel ID i = 0xA98381
                Exclusive, Channel 1
        Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '4992022002'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
        Called Party Number i = 0xA1, '4992022229'
                Plan:ISDN, Type:National
        Redirecting Number i = 0xFF, '8993033001'
                Plan:Reserved, Type:Reserved

I can see from call viewer in unity :

dialed number                calling number         forwarding
  93033001                        4992022002           93033001

So why only 8 digits pass to ccm?


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