Chris ,
Great layout and exactly what I was looking for.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Chris Parker <> wrote:

> I think everyone has their own way of doing it, but here's how I go about
> it:
> STEP ZERO - read the whole lab carefully. It's hard to do when you are
> nervous. Try and pay attention the the details and look for tricks. Then
> work things out like what partitions and css you'll need, how the gatekeeper
> will work. Do you need multicast. Try and get you head around the lab as
> much as possible.
> 1. Gather info
> This is where I log into everything and look at CDP to get the MAC
> addresses of the phones and of the 6608 devices. I put all of this info into
> notepad for easy cut and paste. I hardly use any paper in the lab everything
> goes into notepad for easy access and no retyping.
> 2. 6500
> Next I set up the 6500. I do all the vlans, aux vlans, voice ports,
> muulticast, and any QoS
> 3. HQ
> Here I set up interfaces, NTP, timezone, DHCP if need be, multicast if
> needed, QoS and the basic Gatekeeper config. I like doing all the QoS at the
> beginning of the lab, and by doing it on HQ first it helps with time because
> you can just cut and paste what you do on HQ to BR1 and BR2. I set up the GK
> enough so that I know the CME and UCM will register in the correct zones.
> Also if I see I need VIA-GK I go ahead and set up IPIPGW, dial peers and
> transcoder (as needed) on HQ. I go back and tweak the GK config later after
> I have set up UCM and CME.
> 4. BR1
> I paste in QoS config copied from HQ, create the vlans, create interfaces,
> set helper address and multicast if needed, set up switch ports, set up dhcp
> if needed, set up ntp and timezone, set isdn switchtype, configure PRI for
> MGCP or H323, tweak isdn settings on serial, set up mgcp if needed, set up
> translation rules, set up CoR if needed, configure dial peers if needed for
> H323 and/or SRST, config transcoder and conf bridge if needed, set up SRST.
> 5. BR2
> I paste in QoS config copied from HQ, create interfaces, set helper address
> and multicast if needed, set up dhcp if needed, set up ntp and timezone, set
> isdn switchtype, configure PRI, tweak isdn settings on serial, set voice
> service to allow h323 to sip, set up translation rules, set up CoR if
> needed, configure dial peers (these can often be copied with minor tweaks
> from BR1), config transcoder and conf bridge if needed (another section
> copied fro BR1), run telephony service setup, paste mac address from step 1
> to appropriate ephone, set up H323 gateway and confirm registered to HQ, set
> voip dial peers for HQ GK and CUE, add ephone-dns for MWI, set up BACD, add
> any hunt groups as needed.
> 6. CUE
> I normally do this step while doing something else at the same time like
> setting up the 3550. There's alot of waiting in this step while CUE just
> "does its thing". Once CUE is up and ready to be configured, I normally do
> the basic setup with the GUI (this will set up mwi, and your sip triggers
> and applications) and then do user creation from the CUE CLI.
> 7. 3550
> Here I do vlans and set up ports, and do any QoS.
> 8. CME Testing
> So at this point 90% of the CLI work is done and all the CME/CUE stuff is
> complete. So here I do some quick testing on CME dialing in / out to PSTN,
> CUE MWI, and BACD.
> 9. Callmanager Basic
> So here Im doing all the CM stuff I can think of except call routing and
> phones. I go into serviceability first and turn on whatever services I need.
> Then I go back to admin. I use the Top Left to Right method. So System menu
> first and usually touch everything except Device Defaults. Then in Route
> Plan I do AAR, Partitions, CSS, and I try to do any  translation patterns
> that I think I'll need. Then I jump over to the Device menu. I do any custom
> soft keys or button templates. I set up EM profiles if I need them. I set up
> all my gateways and make sure they register, I set up the GK and trunk I set
> up any CTI route points I need. I DO NOT set up the phones yet however. Then
> I move to the Feature Menu. I setup my phone services, voice mail, and park
> or pickup if need be. Then I go to the services menu. I setup all the media
> resources, lists and groups and make sure everything is registered and in
> the right device pool. After the media stuff is done I go back to the device
> pools and assign the MRGL. I always do IPMA or AC later after the phones are
> set up.
> 10. Eat Lunch
> Yep all the stuff listed above needs to be done before lunch.
> 11. Callmanager routing and Phones
> So this part is all about the Route Groups, Route Lists, and Route
> Patterns. I plan most of this out in step zero or at lunch. Once thats all
> done I start setting up the phones and users. If I did everything right in
> step 9 and I can do everything I need to on every phones without going back
> and add partitions or what not. When this is done I do some quick basic
> testing with the PSTN.
> 12. Gatekeeper
> Now that everything is built on CCM and CME and everything is registered to
> the GK, I finish the GK config. This could mean adding zone prefixes,
> aliases, bandwidth commands etc. Then I test calling through the GK.
> 13. Callmanager features
> This is where I do my AC, IPMA, Huntlists or any other funky things they
> want. IPMA requires that alot of things were done in step 9 and 11 like
> patitions, users, softkeys, and button templates. So if you have IPMA try
> and get all these things done as you work through the menus and not go back
> later. Same applies to AC and other tasks in this category.
> 14. Unity
> So here I do the unity side of integration, and add users with bulk import.
> Then I test the basic integration. I don't do any special things like call
> handlers or loop prevention yet.
> 15. Testing
> So if all the stuff above is done, all you are probably left with are some
> tricks in Unity, IPCC set up, and custom scripting. Usually the sum of these
> tasks left is less than 20 points. So here I make the strategic decision to
> thoroughly test everything I have done so far. The logic being anything I do
> in IPCC or Unity isn't going to mess up my call routing or infrastructure
> and if I get the parts right that I've done so far, the tricky things in
> Unity and IPCC will be gravy.
> Testing takes a long time. You have to test everything then test it again
> with circuits down, and again with the sub down, and again when in SRST, and
> again with the GK shut down. I even recommend reloading the routers and
> switches and make sure everything still works when they come back up.
> 16. Unity features and IPCC
> So if testing went well and I have kept up pace I have about an hour or so
> left in the lab. I spend this time adding up the points of items I couldn't
> or didn't complete earlier in the lab. I prioritize the ones I think I can
> do in the time left and add up the points for the maximum benefit. IPCC
> setup is good for a few points and is pretty easy. Many of the Unity extras
> they have you do are simple too. For me scripting is a hassle so unless its
> a really easy one I sacrifice the points.
> Chris
> wrote:
>> I'm curious how people have approached the order of completing a lab.
>> What order do you use to ensure gathering the most points and build the
>> lab correctly without doubling back to adjust things as you get further into
>> the lab.
>>  I know Vik and Mark have their own opinions on this, but I wanted to
>> throw it out to the more general audience for feedback.

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