Yep - you got it. We don't want to devaluate our certification that we have all worked (or are working) so hard to get.

If anyone feels the need to reply to this thread - take Vishal's email address out of the reply. I don't want him 'getting' anymore email addresses to be able to harass folks with.

Cheers all,

Mark Snow
CCIE #14073 (Voice, Security)

Senior Technical Instructor - IPexpert, Inc.

Telephone: +1.810.326.1444
Fax: +1.309.413.4097
Join our free online support and peer group communities:
IPexpert - The Global Leader in Self-Study, Classroom-Based, Video-On- Demand and Audio Certification Training Tools for the Cisco CCIE R&S Lab, CCIE Security Lab, CCIE Service Provider Lab , CCIE Voice Lab and CCIE Storage Lab Certifications.

On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Dennis DeFoort wrote:

That wasn’t my interpretation of his comments. I did and do think he was referring to the practice labs we all do on various sites. If he is outright cheating I too have issues.

Seems I am always “fixing things” that paper qualified people have setup.


From: Larry Hadrava []
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:43 AM
To: Dennis DeFoort
Cc: Mark Snow; vishal batra;
Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Its bad luck, but i was very very close to the lab

We do not condone cheating in any form.
This fellow obviously is into cheating and not worried about breaking NDA. He basically said buy these "real labs" and confirmed that they are real and even told what version of the lab he and his friend got in their lab. Plus he is offering to distribute lab material that is copyrighted material.

We cannot and will not tolerate this type of blatant disregard for the certification on our boards.

Mark can add to this if need be.

Larry Hadrava
Sr. Support Engineer – IPexpert, Inc.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Dennis DeFoort < > wrote:
Ahh ok why?

From: [ ] On Behalf Of Mark Snow
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:30 AM
To: vishal batra
Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Its bad luck,but i was very very close to the lab



Mark Snow

CCIE #14073 (Voice, Security)

Senior Technical Instructor - IPexpert, Inc.

Telephone: +1.810.326.1444

Fax: +1.309.413.4097



Join our free online support and peer group communities:


IPexpert - The Global Leader in Self-Study, Classroom-Based, Video- On-Demand and Audio Certification Training Tools for the Cisco CCIE R&S Lab, CCIE Security Lab, CCIE Service Provider Lab , CCIE Voice Lab and CCIE Storage Lab Certifications.


On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:20 AM, vishal batra wrote:


It was a really amazing experience of CCIE we have to leave our family, friends and every our loved one.

It would be really really very difficult if we do not have the real stuff to pass the lab and this is really really fact.

If there are 10 labs when we reach practising 10th lab we start forgetting the starting labs.

What i understand is we really need a practise practise / understanding to clearing the lab.

I have completed my lab in 4:30 just due to ccievoicelabs if they would have not released those 2 new labs it would realy difficuly me to even get so close to the lab.

I have done some mistake which has taken my lab

I was practising since last 1 year

I have practise ipexpert labs, NLI labs , cciecert , ccievoicelabs

I have got the mgcp lab & my friend got H323 lab in sydney.

Best of luck to who all are attempting the and thanks for the support from everyone, Now we will see on ver 3

I have all the updated labs with all the updates PM me if anyone want it :)



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