Amp - please take a look at the after hours support options in your proctor
labs web page and send an email to support.
They are normally pretty quick to respond.

Larry Hadrava
Sr. Support Engineer – IPexpert, Inc.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Amp <> wrote:

> Hey gang,
> I am in the middle of a proctor labs session and have run into a bit of a
> pickle and need some help. I am using EzVPN with a 2611XM and it appears
> that everything is working just fine with that. My crypto session is
> up-active, I am able to ping the Pub and Sub from my 2611 sourcing the
> Loopback address. I have verified and re-verified and verified some more
> that my HQ-RTR and HQ-3750 switch are configured correctly; from all of the
> routers in the Proctor Labs network I am able to ping the Pub and Sub also.
> However, when I click on the CUCM Pub to connect to server on the Proctor
> Labs -vRack Control page I am unable to connect to the server. Any
> suggestions, pointers, life line, or something that can help me save this
> session?
> Thanks,
> Amp

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