We have noticed an issue with the Sub not sync'ing properly with the Pub in our snapshot builds. I am attempting come up with a solution to this today and if all succeeds, I will deploy new VM Snapshots out to every vRack for these Volume 2 Labs.

However, until I have a confirmation on whether we can solve this within VMware snapshot building or not - EVERYONE is advised to perform the following quick fix each time you load up a new "Load Lab Configs" to practice any given Lab Scenario on:

ssh -l admin

utils dbreplication repair all

This has been tested and known to fix this issue on the Sub (every time so far). This will take the Sub DB offline while it fixes it, but not the Pub DB. So immediately after running this command, you should be able to still register phones to CUCM (they will reg to Pub for the time being), as well as make changes to the Pub DB. So in other words - run the command on the Pub (or Sub - makes no difference) and go about your configuring.

We do apologize for the inconvenience, however this shouldn't take you more than 1-2 mins max to perform, and therefore not disrupt your studies all that much.

Not to mention - "What if you ran into something like this in the real CCIE Voice Lab?" - now you know how to very quickly fix it (if you didn't already :) and not loose any points for Redundancy sections or things just not working properly.


Mark Snow
CCIE #14073 (Voice, Security)

Senior Technical Instructor - IPexpert, Inc.

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On Aug 25, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Steve Sarrick wrote:

Is anyone having success with Vol 2 vRacks? Every time I seem to do a lab there seems to be some type of issue. Lately its been with the Pub/Sub seem like they are not 100% synced, like some things work and others do not. For example, the last couple times out, I have not had any phones register to the Sub even though services are running and on another occasion. I take my test in a week and while I am able to do configurations, testing and troubleshooting is almost impossible to do because things don’t work correctly. Usually have to check my answers via the proctor guide versus testing for myself. Any recommendations would be welcome.

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