Earlier I began a thread regarding choosing the right ISR for an
implementation if all it's doing is terminating PRIs and not routing data
vlan traffic.  The different ISRs have different interfaces, so I started to
wonder exactly how many voice streams could be processed throug a given
interface and a given codec.  Can someone tell me if this looks correct?

By these numbers, all things being equal, a 2811 with 8 pri circuits should
be fine as its FastEthernet port has plenty of bandwidth.

Port Speed                               G711 (80Kbps)
Simultaneous Audio Conversations      G729 (24
Kbps)                          Simultaneous Audio Conversations
1.54 Mbps (T1)                          19.2 audio streams
9.6                                                    64 audio
streams                        32
100 Mbps (FastEthernet)           1280 audio streams
 640                                                   4266.66 audio
streams                 2133.33
1000 Mbps (Gig Ethernet)          12800 audio streams
 6400                                                 42666.66 audio
streams               21333.33

1024 Kbps = 1 Mbps
1024 Mb = 1 Gb
1048576 Kbps = 1 Gb

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