And to be more specific, you need to get 80 POINTS total.


The reason that's important is that the 'Open Ended Questions' are worth 21
of your TOTAL available points.  If you don't get 3 out of 4, you only are
CAPABLE of getting 79 points (a failing grade).  If you get the OEQ correct,
you get 21 'freebies' out of your 100.


That means that out of your questions in the lab, you only need to get 59
total points (plus your OEQ 21) to reach your 80 point plateau of passing.


Now, Cisco did of course make up for that by making the questions worth a
little less (those 4 point questions in the last version are now worth 3).




[] On Behalf Of Craig Staffin
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 7:55 PM
To: Aamir Panjwani
Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] lab scoring


it is 80% overall NOT per section.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Aamir Panjwani
<> wrote:

Hi Folks,


My understanding is to pass the voice lab we have to score not only 80% in
total but also must score 80% in each individual section. Say for example if
the lab consist of 10 sections and my score is 75% in a particular section
but my overall average score is 90% that would still be a fail??


Someone told me recently above is not true and we only need to score 80%
overall...can anyone please confirm if you know for sure..





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