Hello all,

i have been having issues with completing calls, i guess might be codec
issue or something because my call routing is very ok

Any one with a study guide to help understand this issues

i have posted this issues before but no resolution yet

1. with gatekeepers configured between HQ and BR1 router, when you make a
call from br1 to hq it connects perfectly well BUT when you cal from hq to
br1 phones, it sows connected on branch one phones and still continues to
ring after a while you get the reorder tome on hq phone

2. calls to the ccx script at the hq from br1 , when you dial the trigger
number, it attempts to connect to the cti port because it shows on the
screen and then it gives unknown number. it works well from the HQ phone,
the only challendge is it does not transfer to the meet me number


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Omotayo <adefilabi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> i have been having issues with completing calls, i guess might be codec
> issue or something because my call routing is very ok
> Any one with a study guide to help understand this issues
> i have posted this issues before but no resolution yet
> 1. with gatekeepers configured between HQ and BR1 router, when you make a
> call from br1 to hq it connects perfectly well BUT when you cal from hq to
> br1 phones, it sows connected on branch one phones and still continues to
> ring after a while you get the reorder tome on hq phone
> 2. calls to the ccx script at the hq from br1 , when you dial the trigger
> number, it attempts to connect to the cti port because it shows on the
> screen and then it gives unknown number
> Help!!!!!!!
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