On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:07 PM, vccie2010 <vccie2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:58 PM, vccie2010 <vccie2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Calls to India 91* are failing with attached debugs and following configs.
>> I have configured tha GK and CCM per the solution :
>> on GK -
>> gatekeeper
>>  zone local UCM ipexpert.com
>>  zone remote PSTN-WAN ipexpert.com 1719
>>  zone prefix PSTN-WAN 91*
>>  no shutdown
>> ON CCM I have RP pointing to RL-GK which has gk-trunk, I see calls coming
>> into GK but it fails there with attached logs,
>> I also checked on PSTN the following config....I don;'t see any entery in
>> PSTN Gk for "UCM" zone , any clues please....
>> gatekeeper
>>  zone local PSTN-WAN ipexpert.com
>>  zone remote HQ-RTR ipexpert.com 1719
>>  zone remote US ipexpert.com 1719
>>  zone prefix PSTN-WAN 34*
>>  zone prefix PSTN-WAN 91*
>>  gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology
>>  no shutdown
>> I also tried changing Zone name on HQ GK as US but still no luck...

Attachment: zone
Description: Binary data

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