if i have a scenario where i have a phone on cucm that has a shared line of
6666 and i want the following below how do i accomplish

phone 1 shared line has 6 max calls and 3 inbound calls

phone 2 shared line has 6 max calls and 2 inbound calls

i understand that each line has maximum number of calls and busy trigger and
i could set these to 6 and 3 and 6 and 2 respectively.

However the problem is

if phone 1 shared line makes 3 outbound calls it breaks phone 2s ability to
receive any inbound calls

i have looked online as well as internal to Cisco TAC and this is the
expected behavior of a shared line in cucm 7.0(1), but it looks like it does
not fulfill the requirements of my question above.  What is the trick to
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