
I'm trying to understand a behavior I'm seeing in setting up a GK-controlled
ICT between UCM clusters.

When I place a call across the GK-ICT, the receiving cluster attempts to
allocate an MTP for the call.
On the trunk:
MTP Required is not checked
Inbound/Outbound Fast Start are not checked

>From reviewing the traces, I see the MediaManager and
MediaTerminationPointControl services working to allocate an MTP, so it does
not appear to be a transcoding issue. It appears that the software MTP
allocation fails and the system allocates a HW transcoder.

This is confirmed if I set the regions to all G711. The call still invokes a
transcoder, but the streams are both reported as g711u.

If I take the transcoders offline, the call completes without the
transcoder, with the media stream directly between the two phones, albeit
there are supplementary services issues.

Is this a function of the GK-ICT in general? Or is the UCM trying to add an
MTP for additional capabilities?

Any thoughts are welcome while I continue to test.

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