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Listers -
  I have my own home lab, but spend quite a bit of time away from home on 
travel.  I have been researching 3rd party apps to allow me to remotely control 
my hardphones in my home lab from my hotel room so that I can continue my 

  I have come across two products - RemotePhoneControl by Singlewire (formerly 
Berbee) and Remote Phone 2.1 from VoIP Integration.

  Im hoping that there is no one on the list who works for either company - as 
I have no intention of this post turning into a vendor debate.

  Looking for anyone with experiences (pros and cons) of either package.

Dr. Jeffrey T. Girard (Jeff), PhD
Senior Network Engineer / VoIP Enginner -
Senior Network Engineer / Operations Specialist - EnSync Interactive Solutions
reply to:

(845)977-0363 (home office)
(845)764-1661 (mobile)              
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
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