+ enable Fast Start on CUBE and CUCM trunk (enable inbound fast start or sth

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 15:49, Miron Kobelski <findko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> SIP phones by default originate outgoing calls using SIP Early Offfer. When
> the next hop is H.323 trunk, you might want to try enabling Fast Start on it
> (voice services voip or voice class h323 -> call start fast). That might
> solve your issue with H245 negotiation.
> kobel
> On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 15:19, Hough, Earl 
> <earl.ho...@pcmallservices.com>wrote:
>> I never had a software MTP defined.  It was always a hardware transcoder
>> at BR2 and of course, the one collocated with the GK at HQ.
>> I’m not having an issue calling from BR1 to BR2.  The issue is when I call
>> from a SIP endpoint at BR2 back to BR1.
>> To recap the scenario and hopefully clear up any confusion, the SIP
>> endpoints at BR2 are using G711ulaw as defined in the voice register pool.
>> There is a hardware transcoder at BR2 which supports the G729r8 codec.  The
>> leg between BR2 and HQ is using G729r8.  The HQ GK/CUBE reterminates the
>> media path and sends the call on to BR1.  The leg between HQ and BR1 is
>> G711ulaw.  The phone at the BR1 site is an SCCP endpoint.  When the calls at
>> BR2 originate from an SCCP endpoint, the behavior is as expected and
>> displayed below:
>> HQ-RTR#show gatekeeper calls
>> Total number of active calls = 2.
>>                          GATEKEEPER CALL INFO
>>                          ====================
>> LocalCallID                        Age(secs)   BW
>> 15-17986                           7           16(Kbps)
>> Endpt(s): Alias                 E.164Addr
>>    src EP: BR2-RTR               4005
>>            CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port
>>      1720    63495
>> Endpt(s): Alias                 E.164Addr
>>    dst EP: HQ-RTR                3001
>>            CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port
>>      1720    50005
>> LocalCallID                        Age(secs)   BW
>> 16-17986                           7           128(Kbps)
>> Endpt(s): Alias                 E.164Addr
>>    src EP: HQ-RTR                4005
>>            CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port
>>      1720    50005
>> Endpt(s): Alias                 E.164Addr
>>    dst EP: BR1-RTR               3001
>>            CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port
>>      1720    53148
>> When the call is originated on a SIP endpoint at BR2, the call rings at
>> BR1, then when the SCCP endpoint at BR1 answers, it goes off-hook, gets TOH
>> as though the BR2 side has put the call on hold.  The BR2 side never
>> acknowledges the far end answered the call and continues to ring.  Examining
>> output of “debug cch323 all” it appears as though the H245 capabilities are
>> never completed.
>> Now, if I change the scenario so that the codec being used between BR2 and
>> HQ is G711ulaw, then the calls from the SIP endpoints at BR2 complete
>> without any problem.
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