Hi all,

Forget this, it magically started to work fine again.
Nothing has changed, no more reboots.

What I think happened is, the DNS server is based on Microsoft Active
Directory, and I think once the change on DNS was done, it took some time to
replicate to other domain controllers.

I think MPX needs to resolve it's own hostname to be able to function
correctly. I'm not entirely sure about this though.

Anyway, thanks all for reading this,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 5:39 PM, George Goglidze <gogli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Cisco has announced "MeetingPlace Express" will be in the labs, starting
> NOW!
> Don't panick guys, MeetingPlace Express is not in a lab :)
> This is an OT, so feel free to ignore. Unless of course you think you can
> help.
> I had to change the domain name, on MeetingPlace Express 7.0 server,
> did the following:
> 1) sudo mpx_sys stop
> 2) net
> option 4 -> change to new domain name
> 3) save
> 4) /sbin/shutdown -r now
> The server is back up, and I can access the web interface, and schedule a
> meeting. But I can't join the web conference.
> I ran the "Browser Test" and it gives me the following error:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Player:
> Version: 10 Revision:  102
> Platform: WIN
> Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Add-In: Installed
> App Server Connection: Successful
> Flash Com Connection: Timed Out
> server: rtmp://
> CLN-MPX02.myserver.com:1935/?rtmp://localhost:1935,rtmp://CLN-MPX02.
> myserver.com:80/?rtmp://localhost:1935/,rtmpt://CLN-MPX02.
> myserver.com:80/?rtmp://localhost:1935/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The problem is, the "myserver.com" domain, is OLD domain, that I changed.
> and I do not understand why is it still trying to connect to old domain
> name?
> When I do net -> list current configuration... the new domain is listed
> correctly.
> Many thanks to all for helping,
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