Hi all,

As the subject suggests, it's official, I'm dual CCIE #19926 R&S and Voice
starting yesterday.

Finally, it's a relief, no more studying late, spending weekends on a
computer, making calls, my neighbours think I escaped a psychiatric, after
hearing voices at night "TEST VOICEMAIL FOR HQ PHONE 1" and my personal

I would like to transmit a very special thank you to IPExpert, and
especially Vik Malhi. He's definitely made difference for me as a trainer.
Just when you think you know it all about something, he would come up with
something to prove me wrong, to show me the gaps in my knowledge I didn't
know existed.

Thank you Vik!

Thanks to everyone on this forum too, there are many good people on the
forum, with big knowledge, and more importantly willing to share it. It was
big fun, I enjoyed the process a lot.

By the way, I made it technically on my first attempt. Well, I payed once
only, although I went to exam 3 times.
1st time, technical problems, Cisco gave me free retake voucher, 2nd time,
again technical problems, again free voucher.
To be honest after so many free retakes, I'm not even sure if I really
passed, or I was costing them too much so they decided to give it to me :-),
good samaritans these cisco guys.

Wish you all good luck, and don't get frustrated, and most importantly have

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