my outbound call to pstn works but inbound become busy... here is the debug 
output below and the config.
Nov  5 12:34:30.700: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x00D7 
        Sending Complete 
        Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 
                Standard = CCITT 
                Transfer Capability = Speech  
                Transfer Mode = Circuit 
                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s 
        Channel ID i = 0xA98381 
                Exclusive, Channel 1 
        Progress Ind i = 0x8583 - Origination address is non-ISDN  
        Display i = 'PSTN Phone' 
        Calling Party Number i = 0x0080, '911' 
                Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown 
        Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '3033012' 
                Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
Nov  5 12:34:30.700: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: Received SETUP  callref = 0x80D7 
callID = 0x0007 switch = primary-ni interface = User 
Nov  5 12:34:30.724: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_call_setup_normal:  
SETUP_NTF_TIMER is not running. Continue processing. 
Nov  5 12:34:30.728: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing 
from H225_IDLE state to H225_IDLE state
Nov  5 12:34:30.728: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 
        Channel ID i = 0xA98381 
                Exclusive, Channel 1
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event 
H225_EV_SETUP while at state H225_IDLE
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/check_qos_and_send_setup: Setup ccb 
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event 
H225_EV_FS_SETUP while at state H225_IDLE
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/idle_fsSetup_hdlr: Setup ccb 
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/copy_token_from_ccb: 
copy_token_from_ccb: Entered
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/generic_send_setup: 
generic_send_setup: is_overlap = 0, info_complete = 0 
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/generic_send_setup: sending calling 
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/generic_send_setup: ====== PI = 3
Nov  5 12:34:30.744: //14/57B978098008/H323/generic_send_setup: Send 
infoXCap=128, infoXRate=16, rateMult=0, xMode=128, info_layer1_prot=163
Nov  5 12:34:30.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/generic_send_setup: src address =; dest address =
Nov  5 12:34:30.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing 
from H225_IDLE state to H225_REQ_FS_SETUP state
Nov  5 12:34:30.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/run_h245_iwf_sm: received 
Nov  5 12:34:33.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_h225_send_release: Cause = 
102; Location = 0
Nov  5 12:34:33.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_h225_send_release: 
h225TerminateRequest: src address = -1912520194; dest address =
Nov  5 12:34:33.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/run_h225_sm: Received event 
H225_EV_RELEASE while at state H225_REQ_FS_SETUP
Nov  5 12:34:33.748: //14/57B978098008/H323/cch323_h225_set_new_state: Changing 
from H225_REQ_FS_SETUP state to H225_IDLE state
Nov  5 12:34:33.752: //14/57B978098008/H323/run_h245_iwf_sm: received 
IWF_EV_H245_DISCONN while at state IWF_IDLE
Nov  5 12:34:33.752: //14/57B978098008/H323/defaultHdlr: DEFAULT: Received 
Nov  5 12:34:33.760: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 
        Cause i = 0x8092 - No user responding
Nov  5 12:34:33.768: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 
Nov  5 12:34:33.772: ISDN Se0/2/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 
sb#sho run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 8110 bytes
! Last configuration change at 07:32:45 CDT Sat Nov 5 2011
version 15.0
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname sb
no aaa new-model
clock timezone CST -6
clock summer-time CDT recurring
network-clock-participate wic 2 
network-clock-select 1 T1 0/2/0
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-ni
voice class codec 1
 codec preference 1 g711ulaw
 codec preference 2 g729r8
voice class h323 1
  h225 timeout tcp establish 3
  h225 timeout setup 3
voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 // // type any unknown plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 2
 rule 1 // // type any subscriber plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 3
 rule 1 // // type any national plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 4
 rule 1 // // type any international plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 5
 rule 1 /.*\(3...$\)/ /\1/
voice translation-rule 11
 rule 1 /^3...$/ /972303&/ type any national plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 12
 rule 1 /^3...$/ /303&/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 13
 rule 1 /^3...$/ /972303&/ type any national plan any isdn
voice translation-rule 14
 rule 1 /^3...$/ /+1972303&/ type any international plan any isdn
 rule 2 /^4...$/ /+8522404&/ type any international plan any isdn
voice translation-profile 911
 translate calling 11
 translate called 1
voice translation-profile INC
 translate called 5
voice translation-profile intl
 translate calling 14
 translate called 4
voice translation-profile local
 translate calling 12
 translate called 2
voice translation-profile nat
 translate calling 13
 translate called 3
voice-card 0
 dsp services dspfarm
license udi pid CISCO2811 sn FTX0902D1ZG
controller T1 0/2/0
 pri-group timeslots 1-6,24
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-Remark
 match ip dscp ef 
 match ip dscp cs3 
 match ip dscp af31 
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-Control-UnTrust
 match access-group name AutoQoS-VoIP-Control
class-map match-any AutoQoS-VoIP-RTP-UnTrust
 match protocol rtp audio 
 match access-group name AutoQoS-VoIP-RTCP
policy-map AutoQoS-Policy-UnTrust
 class AutoQoS-VoIP-RTP-UnTrust
    priority percent 33
  set dscp ef
 class AutoQoS-VoIP-Control-UnTrust
    bandwidth percent 5
  set dscp af31
 class AutoQoS-VoIP-Remark
  set dscp default
 class class-default
interface Loopback0
 ip address
 ip ospf network point-to-point
 h323-gateway voip interface
 h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1/0
 switchport trunk native vlan 402
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 302
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/1
 switchport trunk native vlan 402
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 302
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/2
 switchport trunk native vlan 402
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 302
 spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/1/3
 switchport trunk native vlan 402
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 302
 spanning-tree portfast
interface Serial0/0/0
 no ip address
 encapsulation frame-relay
 frame-relay traffic-shaping
 no frame-relay inverse-arp
interface Serial0/0/0.211 point-to-point
 bandwidth 384
 ip address
 frame-relay interface-dlci 602   
  class AutoQoS-FR-Se0/0/0-602
  auto qos voip 
 frame-relay ip rtp header-compression
interface Serial0/0/1
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/2/0:23
 no ip address
 encapsulation hdlc
 isdn switch-type primary-ni
 isdn incoming-voice voice
 no cdp enable
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
interface Vlan302
 ip address
 ip helper-address
interface Vlan402
 ip address
router ospf 1
 network area 0
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip access-list extended AutoQoS-VoIP-Control
 permit tcp any any eq 1720
 permit tcp any any range 11000 11999
 permit udp any any eq 2427
 permit tcp any any eq 2428
 permit tcp any any range 2000 2002
 permit udp any any eq 1719
 permit udp any any eq 5060
ip access-list extended AutoQoS-VoIP-RTCP
 permit udp any any range 16384 32767
map-class frame-relay AutoQoS-FR-Se0/0/0-602
 frame-relay cir 384000
 frame-relay bc 3840
 frame-relay be 0
 frame-relay mincir 384000
 frame-relay fragment 480
 service-policy output AutoQoS-Policy-UnTrust
rmon event 33333 log trap AutoQoS description "AutoQoS SNMP traps for Voice 
Drops" owner AutoQoS
voice-port 0/2/0:23
 translation-profile incoming INC
ccm-manager mgcp
ccm-manager music-on-hold
mgcp fax t38 ecm
mgcp behavior g729-variants static-pt
sccp local Vlan302
sccp ccm identifier 2 version 7.0 
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0 
sccp ccm identifier 3 version 7.0 
sccp ccm group 1
 associate ccm 1 priority 1
 associate ccm 2 priority 2
 associate ccm 3 priority 3
 associate profile 2 register sb_conf
 associate profile 1 register sb_xcode
 registration timeout 3
 switchover method immediate
 switchback method immediate
dspfarm profile 1 transcode  
 codec g711ulaw
 codec g711alaw
 codec g729ar8
 codec g729abr8
 codec g729r8
 maximum sessions 3
 associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 2 conference  
 codec g711ulaw
 codec g711alaw
 codec g729ar8
 codec g729abr8
 codec g729r8
 codec g729br8
 maximum sessions 2
 associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 911 pots
 translation-profile outgoing 911
 destination-pattern 911
 no digit-strip
 port 0/2/0:23
dial-peer voice 912 pots
 translation-profile outgoing local
 destination-pattern 9[2-9]......$
 port 0/2/0:23
dial-peer voice 913 pots
 translation-profile outgoing nat
 destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]......$
 port 0/2/0:23
 prefix 1
dial-peer voice 9011 pots
 translation-profile outgoing intl
 destination-pattern 9011T
 port 0/2/0:23
 prefix 011
dial-peer voice 2 pots
 translation-profile outgoing nat
 destination-pattern 2...$
 port 0/2/0:23
 prefix 14082022
dial-peer voice 4 pots
 translation-profile outgoing intl
 destination-pattern 4...$
 port 0/2/0:23
 prefix 01185224044
dial-peer voice 1 pots
 translation-profile incoming INC
 incoming called-number .
 port 0/2/0:23
dial-peer voice 19 voip
 destination-pattern 3...
 session target ipv4:
 voice-class codec 1
 voice-class h323 1
 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
 no vad
 no supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
 sdspfarm units 2
 sdspfarm transcode sessions 3
 sdspfarm tag 1 sb_xcode
 sdspfarm tag 2 sb_conf
 no privacy
 conference hardware
 srst mode auto-provision none
 srst ephone template 1
 srst dn template 1
 srst dn line-mode dual
 max-ephones 10
 max-dn 10 no-reg
 ip source-address port 2000
 max-redirect 20
 time-zone 8
 voicemail 2220
 mwi relay
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 call-forward pattern .T
 multicast moh port 16384 route
 transfer-system full-consult
 transfer-pattern .T
 secondary-dialtone 9
ephone-dn-template  1
 call-forward busy 2220
 call-forward noan 2220 timeout 20
ephone-template  1
 privacy off
 softkeys remote-in-use  CBarge Newcall
 softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Dnd
 softkeys seized  Meetme Redial Pickup Endcall
 softkeys connected  Endcall Hold Park Trnsfer
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0
 length 0
line vty 1 4
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp update-calendar
ntp server
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