Is there an issue with CME and using the "+" character in the description?
When I had the following; I got the "unprovisioned" error on my test phone; 
when I changed it to "description 442077353002" it came up just fine...

My lab is running "c2800nm-ipvoicek9-mz.124-22.T.bin" if anyone cares...

voice register dn  1
 number 3002
 name John Adams
 label John Adams - 3002
voice register pool  1
 id mac 1CAA.07E2.D4FF
 type 7965
 number 1 dn 1
 username jadams password cisco
 description +442077353002
 codec g711ulaw


If winners never quit and quitters never win, then who coined the phrase, "Quit 
while you’re still ahead."?

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