What is the best practice for the real lab QOS after running the AutoQos - use 
the AutoQoS nomenclature and make changes to the classmaps, policymaps and 
map-class OR copy the AutoQOS output on a notepad and rename policymaps, 
classmaps and mapclass?
I typically follow the second route as it give me more flexibility to 
"finalize" the configs on the notepad and then just copy paste instead of 
changing the AutoQOS configs on the router itself. Any inputs , comments or 
suggestions especially from those who had success with the second approach?
Example:!class-map match-any RTP match ip dscp ef class-map match-any CONTROL 
match ip dscp cs3 !policy-map VOIP class RTP    priority 24 class CONTROL    
bandwidth 19 class class-default    fair-queue!
!interface Serial0/1/1:0.1 point-to-point bandwidth 384  frame-relay 
interface-dlci 201     class FRVOIP frame-relay ip rtp header-compression!
!!map-class frame-relay FRVOIP frame-relay cir 364800 frame-relay bc 3648 
frame-relay be 0 frame-relay mincir 364800 frame-relay fragment 480 
service-policy output VOIP!
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