The description is not entirely correct.

Delayed Offer:  The UAC SDP is relayed on the ACK Message

100 Trying <-
200OK <- With SDP
ACK -> With SDP

Early Offer

100 Trying <-
200OK <- With SDP
ACK ->

The SDP is moved from the ACK to the INVITE, This is why is Early Offer.

The 200OK should always contain SDP from the UAS.  Only Exception might be
when the SDP is sent on a provisional 1XX Message, like a 180 Ringing or
183 Session Progress.

In that case is refered to as "Early Media" instead of early offer.

So saying on delayed offer the SDP is on the 200OK, is incorrect since,
both scenarios have SDP on the 200OK, The difference is the variation
between the INVITE and the ACK.

This link has further description.

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 2:51 AM, CISCO CCIE VOICE <>wrote:

> Thank you suresh i will check ths on my pod...
> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Suresh Bhandari <>wrote:
>> Content Length 0 means, there will be an OK followed with SDP.... So
>> basically both are same.
>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 1:56 PM, CISCO CCIE VOICE 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi Suresh, Thanks for you reply, If SIP 200 OK message has media then
>>> its DELAYED OFFER and SIP INVITE Message with content-length 0 also means
>>> the DELAYED OFFER so which one i have to consider ?
>>> thanks
>>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Suresh Bhandari <>wrote:
>>>> If your SIP Invite message is containing media information, it is an
>>>> early offer. If the response OK message has media, then it is delayed 
>>>> offer.
>>>> I prefer checking "Content-Length" field to find out if its an Early or
>>>> Delayed offer. Value of 0 mean Delayed offer, non-zero value means it is
>>>> including SDP message and so its an early offer.
>>>> HTH
>>>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 1:15 PM, CISCO CCIE VOICE <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> HI Experts,
>>>>> Which SIP Message contains Delay Offer and Early Offer message ? i i
>>>>> am bit confuse as some documents says SIP INVITE message contains both
>>>>> Delay and Early Offer and some documents say its SIP 200 OK  message
>>>>> Thanks
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>>>> --
>>>> Suresh Bhandari
>> --
>> Suresh Bhandari
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> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
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