Suresh Bhandari's link is helpful

Check if this helps:


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 12:31 AM, ie ravindra <> wrote:

> Hi Amdo,
> I have faced the same thing when I am in the real lab all local site calls
> went failed. But every thing correct. I can't understand the logic behind
> of that. Let me explain some workaround I did.
> I changed the location of Site C to Hub none in the lab in my lab day.
> then local calls goes out without issue. so try like this. create different
> location for Site A , Site B , and Site C. other than hub_none and Assign
> it to respective sites and assign required bandwidth. Then let me know what
> happens.  I guess the problem is with hub none location. But let me know
> the results.
> Thanks,
> Ravi,
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Amdo Ngawa <> wrote:
>> Hi Folks:
>> I had been having trouble with CAC RSVP lately. Once I configured CAC
>> RSVP between two sites, the calls between the two sides failed with error
>> *"Not enough bandwidth'*
>> Checked my configuration thoroughly. Locations CAC configured; mrg and
>> mrgls proper, mtp profiles fine; sccp and dspfarm created and registered
>> with CUCM; all good to go.
>> Found suggestions online, but most talked about proper configuration
>> which I had already done. However, there was one quirky suggestion that I
>> tried:
>> Assuming CAC RSVP is between HQ and other site, I removed the hq-rsvp-mtp
>> from the mrg-hq and inserted a default sub or pub (mtp_2,mtp_1) and saved.
>> Thereafter I removed the default mtp from mrg-hq and reinserted the
>> hq-mtp-rsvp and saved the changes and reset. For good measure, I clicked
>> the resync-bandwidth for for both sites in the Location section
>> (Settings>Location)
>> The calls started to work. show ip rsvp reservation and sh ip rsvp int
>> showed output that I wanted.
>> Thanks,
>> Amdo
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