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Dear Jurgen,

I seem to recall having some luck by adding in the hydrogens on the
reduced sulphur conformations and using the 'use hydrogens if present in
file' option for refmac. I think that I first used the 'generate all
hydrogens' in a single round of refinement, along with the save output
to coordinate file and edited them as needed.

This seemed to give a reasonable result for the S-S and reduced
conformations. I also had alternative conformations for a residue or two
either side, to allow the mainchain to adjust to the presence/absence of
the disulpide, but that may depend on the relative positions of the Cys
in your sequence.


On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 21:59 -0700, Juergen Bosch wrote:
> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> ***          CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk         ***
> Hi all,
> it's probably a trivial question, but I was unable to resolve this 
> problem, therefore I ask the experts:
> Here's what I think it should look like (this is before refinement but 
> modeling a second conformation for both cysteines with 0.5 occupancy as 
> a start)
> http://faculty.washington.edu/jbosch/examples/Before_refinement.png
> The PDB File contains the usual SSBOND command, but unfortunately is 
> interpreted for both conformations as disulfide bonds - which is not 
> exactly what I wanted.
> http://faculty.washington.edu/jbosch/examples/After_refinement.png
> What is the correct syntax to tackle this trivial problem ?
> Thank you for your suggestions,
> Jürgen
Cat, n.: Lapwarmer with built-in buzzer.
|  Andy Purkiss, School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, London  |
|           E-mail   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |

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