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Dear Julia,

Does your protein contain a coiled-coil? If yes, it does not mean
that it is aggregated - it simply cannot enter the pores in the GF media.

I would be cautious here. We are working with a number
of coiled-coil fragments which are most typically
about 80 residues long (some are longer). A coiled-coil
of 80 residues is a 12nm long rod. They are expressed
with an N-terminal 6xHis tag which is cleaved off after the
purification of the Ni column. As the final step, we use gel-filtration
on Superdex 75. Most fragments apparently do enter the column
and yield a decent peak (these are double-stranded coiled coils).
However, we did see aggregation with some of our fragments.
In this case there is indeed a peak or a family of peaks
close to the void volume.

Best wishes,

Prof. Sergei V. Strelkov
Laboratory for Biocrystallography
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, O&N 2
Catholic University of Leuven
Herestraat 49 bus 822, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Phone(work):  +32 16 33 08 45  Fax:    +32 16 32 34 69
Phone(home):  +32 16 23 19 06  Mobile: +32 486 29 41 32

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