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Hi Subbu,

In my opinion, it is worth your while to get a better handle on the complex before you get going with the crystallization attempts.

It's not clear to me if you are mixing the two proteins along with the precipitant in the crystallization drop. If that is so, why not first form the complex.

What is the numerical value for 'tight' in your case? How did you measure that? What do you mean by precipitation in gel filtration?

First step would be to try and purify a stable complex over gel filtration. Does the complex elute where you expect it to? Is it forming oligomers (homo, hetero)? Is it eluting in the void volume? If so, check the buffer components - play with each and every component to see if that allows you to make a stable complex. Read the recent ccp4bb thread on aggregation/solubility with respect to what all to try.

If one is running SDS-PAGE, immaterial of whether one has a heterodimer or a supra-oligomer of the heterodimer or a total mess in solution, one can expect to see two 'nice' bands corresponding to the two proteins in the denaturing gel. How does that help? Try and analyze the complex by sedimentation equilibrium or SEC-LS or DLS analysis. All of this information will only help you understand what it is that you have in your hands.

Your problem is perhaps that of an ill-behaved complex, which is a step much ahead of crystallization. Try and fix this first.


N. Ramasubbu wrote:
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Hi all:
I am trying to crystallize a complex of two proteins by mixing equal concentration of the two. At equimolar ratio or at 10mg/mL, for example, I get a precipitate right away after mixing. These two form a tight complex and even in other experiments using gel filtration we have seen precipiatation and when run on a gel, we see two bands with appropriate molecular masses.
Molecular weight of one is around 56 kDa and the other one is 20kDa.
I would like to know of methods that one could try to keep the complex in solution so that it can be crystallized. Both are highly soluble proteins and can be crystallized individually with out any difficulty. Both form crystals using MPD at about 40%. Any help would be realy appreciated.
Thanks a lot

Raji Edayathumangalam
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Rockefeller University
Box 224. 1230 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021

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