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shivesh kumar wrote:

Dear All,
We are trying to solve the structure of a 15 kDa protein with p63 space group.We are able to trace only 50% of the molecule and R and free_R is 25.7 and 28.2,respectively.We could not find any extra electron density in the unit cell , and we confirmed that we have crystallized full molecule.Can anybody help in this regard.Can we publish this 50% structure.
Thanx in advance.


did you confirm the dissolved crystal or the protein solution (?) via SDS PAGE or mass spectrometry ? Are you missing ~30 residues of the C-term and roughly the same at the N-term ? Did you use a tag at one of the ends ? Cleaved afterwards ? If you run DisEMBL on your sequence are any of those regions predicted to be disordered ?

If you have 2.6-2.8 A data, then the R values are OK, but I suspect you have better resolution than that ? How many waters have you added to your structure, are they all waters or could they be part of the missing backbone ?

Did you use TLS-refinement ? What about CNS composite omit maps with SA ? Have you tried GraphENT ?

Just a few thoughts, good luck !


Jürgen Bosch
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and
University of Washington
Dept. of Biochemistry, K-426
1705 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Box 357742
Phone:   +1-206-616-4510
FAX:     +1-206-685-7002

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