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We use a "An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry", by Graham L. Patrick (3rd edition) in our Pharmaceutical Chemistry department, but for undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework) Pharmacy students. Your choice depends on the details of your cohort. The Patrick is a Medicinal Chemistry text that satisfies many aspects of Medicinal Chemistry and doesn't ignore structure...have a look. Not much more I can say. I did want to allude to the fact that I'm not in the position of choosing a text on crystallography for research pharmaceutical chemists, or a chemistry text for research protein crystallographers.



At 01:46 PM 1/10/2006, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
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Dear All -

I am looking for a pharmaceutical chemistry
textbook suitable for a graduate course -
any recommendations?

Many thx, br

Bernhard Rupp

W. Bret Church
Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy A15
http://www.pharm.usyd.edu.au/        tel: (61-2) 9036-6569
University of Sydney 2006            fax: (61-2) 9351-4391
Australia                  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"From Cell to Society 5" is for research students and their supervisors.
Leura, Blue Mountains, 9-10 November 2006

Seminar program for Pharmacy is at

Drug Design Amongst the Vines, Hunter Valley,
Australia 3-7 December 2006

Sydney Protein Group Website:

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