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Hi Tassos,

Thanks for the comments; I'm pleasantly surprised at the level of interest the superposition problem has elicited here.

On Oct 12, 2006, at 4:58 AM, Anastassis Perrakis wrote:

On the specific issue of superposition, I feel its much more important to take into account the coordinate errors.

The short answer is that Theseus of course estimates the coordinate errors, as they are necessary for the maximum likelihood calculation. Technical answer below ...

In a proper ML formulation, I think this is (part of) your prior, so if you don't know these (and as far as I could see Theseus does not use these) your ML function would be fundamentally flawed by definition, at least is the context of X-ray crystallography as your experimental method for deriving model coordinates. (sorry if indeed you do estimate proper coordinate errors and I missed that, but could not see that in an admittedly quick scan of your web site and paper).

In a Bayesian and likelihoodist framework, there are two (nonexclusive) ways to treat the coordinate errors: one is based on direct estimation from the data, the other is through prior information. The Schneider paper you cite below estimates the errors only via the latter method, by assuming that the errors are proportional to the B-factors. Theseus does both, although currently using B-factors is an undocumented feature [1]. If you wish to include the prior information from the B-factors in Theseus, you can use the '-b2' command line option.

However, contrary to your intuition (and also mine initially), the prior coordinate error is not nearly as important as the error component estimated from structural differences. In my experience, prior B-factor information has a relatively minor effect on the final ML superposition [2]. As is often the case in likelihood and Bayesian treatments, the data dominate the prior.

In the case of protein superpositions, regions with high B-factors are very unlikely to have similar conformations by chance. Thus estimates of the coordinate error based on only structural differences naturally assign a high variance to those regions with high B-factors. On the other hand, if a region has low B-factors yet large structural differences, the error component from conformational differences overwhelms the component from the prior. In the end, the prior B-factors provide mostly redundant information that can be inferred from structural differences alone. You can verify this yourself using the '-b2' flag in Theseus.

I am surprised no-one brought up ESCET as very useful tool for objective superposition, especially in a crystallographic context.

Please read:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11807243&query_hl=4 &itool=pubmed_docsum

Thanks for the ref. There are many similar treatments for finding the "conformationally invariant" regions of structures so that one can subsequently perform a reasonable least-squares (LS) superposition. However, they all depend on arbitrary cutoffs (in Schneider's case, the penalty term p and the distance parameter \epsilon_l). Again, this is one of the great advantages of the ML method vs LS -- there is no need to specify subjective cutoffs, as the ML method already accounts for structural variability in a statistically proper manner. I'll also note that the objective ML solution provides a nice formal justification for the common and intuitive practice of structural biologists, that conformationally variable regions should be down-weighted when superposing macromolecules.




[1] The ML solution using crystallographic B-factors (and/or NMR order parameters) as prior variances is a non-trivial problem, and it will be given in a forthcoming publication.

[2] In contrast, prior B-factor information usually has a large effect when used as a basis for weights in a weighted LS superposition, which may explain our intuition.

On a more general note, one can 'hide' behind ML formalisms many things. Understanding the source of errors in your experimental quantities though, ie your experiment in depth, is also very important. And, sometimes, it lets you get away with bad statistics: structures were solved with LS methods, no wonder ML was a massive step forward by all means, but thats because it was implemented for crystallographers by crystallographers having a clear understanding of the nature of errors and the exact experimental methods is use, not only of bayess theorem.

Tassos - newly appointed press officer for Thomas R Schneider ;-)

On Oct 11, 2006, at 21:40, Douglas L. Theobald wrote:

On Oct 11, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Santarsiero, Bernard D. wrote:

It really has nothing to do with least-squares itself.

But it does. When I've used the term 'least-squares', I mean ordinary (unweighted) least-squares (OLS), which has been used historically for superpositions. OLS is fundamentally predicated on two strong statistical assumptions (as stated in the Gauss- Markov theorem): (1) all atoms in the superposition have the same variance and (2) none of the atoms are correlated with each other. Both of these OLS assumptions are false, in general, with macromolecular superpositions.

It's the implementation, and how you want to define the minimal function. You don't want to superimpose elements that are really different.

Sort of. The problem is knowing what is "really different" before doing a superposition. Probably the primary motivation for performing a superposition is to get an idea of what is different and what is similar among multiple structures. In most cases, regions of structures that are different are also similar to some extent. Thus different regions carry at least some structural information that should be incorporated in the superposition. Similar vs different is a matter of degree; it is not an absolute category. The maximum likelihood (ML) method implemented in THESEUS naturally accounts for these issues by weighting structural regions according to their structural similarity.

And not to argue the point much further, but least-squares IS a maximum likelihood estimator.

The method of least squares can be justified in terms of likelihood, given some additional assumptions, but least squares is not maximum likelihood. Specifically, the OLS solution is identical to the ML solution if you assume a Gaussian distribution for the data, and if all data points have the same variance and are uncorrelated. On the other hand, the statistical justification for OLS is given by the Gauss-Markov theorem, and it guarantees the optimality of the OLS solution (by frequentist measures, not likelihoodist or Bayesian measures) regardless of whether the data have a Gaussian distribution or not.

IOW, it is best to realize that LS and ML are very different methods, historically, philosophically, and practically. In general, they will lead to different solutions to the same problem. In certain special cases they can lead to the same solution, as can Bayesian methods, but that doesn't mean that OLS is ML or Bayesian.





On Wed, October 11, 2006 1:34 pm, Douglas L. Theobald wrote:
On Oct 11, 2006, at 1:49 PM, Santarsiero, Bernard D. wrote:

the graphics program "O" is excellent at things like this. Basically you do a rough superposition with lsq-exp (explicit) and then improve it with lsq-imp. It leaves out calpha's that aren't close, but pulls everything else in.

Yes, the way that O does it with lsq is much preferred over many other methods. However, it really is just a kludge to overcome the problems with least-squares, an optimization method that really is inappropriate for the macromolecular superposition problem. The advantage of the maximum likelihood method that THESEUS implements, is that it removes the arbitrary and subjective parameters for deciding what "isn't close". Maximum likelihood instead inherently down-weights the variable parts exactly by the (statistically) proper amount.

Additionally, lsq does not do a bona fide simultaneous superposition with more than two structures, whereas THESEUS does.



Bernie Santarsiero

On Wed, October 11, 2006 10:38 am, Douglas L. Theobald wrote:
On Oct 11, 2006, at 11:08 AM, Jenny wrote:

Hi, All,

I have three proteins that only differ in one big loop(resi 46-59).So I'm trying to superimpose three proteins and keep the same part fixed.( basically, superimpose by residue 1-45 and residue 60-120).Is there easy way to do this?

Hi Jenny,

It's easy to do with THESEUS from the command line:


For a least squares fit, just use something like:

theseus -l -s1-45:60-120 protein1.pdb protein2.pdb protein3.pdb

or equivalently, exclude the range with:

theseus -l -S46-59 protein1.pdb protein2.pdb protein3.pdb

However, since THESEUS uses maximum likelihood you shouldn't even have to specify a residue range, just do:

theseus protein1.pdb protein2.pdb protein3.pdb

and it should work well.

Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110

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