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For Bourne-like shells (bash, sh, zsh, ksh, ...)

setenv FOO BAR   should be changed to
export FOO=BAR

export PATH

should work, if not try

export PATH

and for completeness,

alias FOO BAR

should become

alias FOO=BAR

Here's some useful links for basic unix stuff:




PS:  You can easily change your shell to tcsh if you don't feel
comfortable in bash.  Alternately, you can switch to zsh ...

Nicholas Noinaj wrote:
> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> ***          CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk         ***
> Hi all,
> ONe quick question.  Is it possible to setup Arp/wArp to work using bash
> instead of csh (OS --> RHEL4)?  The instructions explicitly describe using
> csh, and nothing for bash.
> set path = ( /programs/arp_warp/arp_warp_6.1.1/bin/`uname` $path )
> setenv warpbin /programs/arp_warp/arp_warp_6.1.1/bin/`uname`
> THis could potentially be more of a Linux 'newbie' issue, so any
> assistance on how to work around (or 'translate' to bash) would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for any feedback!
> Cheers,
> Nick
> ________________________________________
> Nicholas Noinaj
> University of Kentucky College of Medicine
> Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
> The Center for Structural Biology
> Biomedical Biological Sciences Research Building, Rm 236
> 741 S. Limestone
> Lexington, Ky 40536
> Lab:  859-323-8183
> Cell:  859-893-4789
> Home:  859-228-0978
> noinaj.com

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