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Hello All,
I'm attempting to co-crystallize a dimeric transcription factor bound to DNA
and see skin formation and microcrystals at even the lowest concentration of
precipitant that I have tried. The complex crystallizes (I believe) on storage
at 4 deg, but these crystals do not diffract. I have additionally tried using
increased concentrations of reducing agents and also covalent modifications of
Cys residues and still see skin formation. After long term storage, larger
crystals grow after a few months storage, but are leaf shaped and growing in
clumps. I have not checked the diffraction limits of these crystals as yet (no
access to local x-ray source).

Any advice as to how to control the seeding events and/or skin formation would
be appreciated.



Fiona Whelan
Whitelaw Lab
School of Molecular and Biomedical Science (Biochemistry)
The University of Adelaide
Phone: 8303 4806

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