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A recent visitor to my lab. successfully transported her crystals by air with no problems by preparing them in a gel which she put into the beads of a neclace which she then wore.


P.R. Evans wrote:
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One way of transporting crystals which we used before the days of freezing was to suck the whole drop with crystals into a small Xray capillary. This is immune to shaking & can be transported discreetly (though temperature may still be an issue)


--On 24 November 2006 08:54:45 +0100 Anastassis Perrakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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On 24 Nov 2006, at 2:19, William Scott wrote:

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I had my toothpaste confiscated a couple of weeks ago.  I doubt you
get away with bringing hanging drops on an airplane even before Nov
6th; I
got a huge hassle in London in 1995.  The train will shake the
thing to

Planes are not kinder to drops either. Especially hanging ones.
Take off and landing can often shift drops to the rims of the cover ...
Sitting (nano)drops should travel happily in a train though.

... but going out of Hamburg to a presumably stronger SR source,
I cant help to wonder why you don't simply freeze them ...

You're doomed (unless you have a Saudi passport).  If it were me,
I would freeze them and transport them in a liquid nitrogen dewar.
Exp will do this, and often will be kind enough to ship it to
for no additional charge.

Especially if your samples are labeled clearly as 'nuclear export
machinery component'.


Nikos Pinotsis wrote:
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Dear ccp4bb members,

I am planning a trip for experiments and I would strongly prefer my
to travel with me in the original hanging drop trays where they
crystallized. Does anybody has any recent experience (after 6
the new airplane regulations?  Or should I use the train?

Thank you in advance

Nikos Pinotsis, PhD
EMBL-Hamburg, c/o DESY
Notkestr. 85, Geb. 25A
22603 Hamburg, Germany

Phone  :       +49 40 89902144
Fax    :       +49 40 89902149
e-mail :       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

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