Thanks very much to all who replied, I am now quite confident that as suggested it is in fact P21 not P212121. My confusion was that initially the indexing shows that P222 is a very likely spacegroup and the beta angle is around 90.5. When I managed to get scaling to use the reject file with less than 50000 rejects the data seemed to scale nicely and was used for a successful molecular replacement. However, I re-processed in P2 and then scaled in P21 and the number of rejects was around 10 fold lower. I now have a very convincing 2.5A dataset:)
Thanks again,

Mike Swan.
fn:Dr Michael K Swan
org:Mount Sinai School of Medicine;Physiology and Biophysics
adr:1425 Madison Ave;;16-26 East Bldg. Box 1677;New York;NY;10029;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Post Doctoral Fellow
tel;work:1 212 659 8667
tel;cell:1 646 675 8745

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