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Can someone do something about this spam?
My mail box is flooded with 100s of spam mails from Michael K Swan


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael K Swan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:58 pm
Subject: [ccp4bb]: HKL2000 processing.
To: ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk

> Hi All,
> I have a question about processing in HKL2000.
> I have a dataset which looks like it will go out to 2.5A but the 
> problem 
> is that when I have integrated the 360 frames (180degrees) to 2.4A 
> I get 
> a large number of rejects on scaling which exceeds the 50000 limit. 
> So 
> is there any way to increase this limit or another method of 
> reducing 
> the number of rejects?
> I can get scaling to work if I either cut the resolution down to 
> 3.0 or 
> lower but alternatively if I exclude alot of frames and leave say 
> 90 
> then the rejects are below 50000 and the scaling produces data that 
> looks good to at least 2.6-2.5A according to the I/sigma and an 
> Rmerge 
> <0.5 in the final shell, however the completeness suffers due to 
> the low 
> number of frames.
> I should also say that I am suspicious that one of the reasons for 
> all 
> the rejects might be that in the centre of the pattern the spots 
> are of 
> a good radial shape but towards the edge they become more 
> elongated. I 
> tried using the elliptical spot feature of HKL2000 but this doesn't 
> seem 
> to be ideal as the spots are not always elongated in the same 
> direction.Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated,
> Mike Swan.

Dr. E. Subramanian
Emeritus Professor of Biophysics
University of Madras

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