Hi All,
I have a question about processing in HKL2000.
I have a dataset which looks like it will go out to 2.5A but the problem is that when I have integrated the 360 frames (180degrees) to 2.4A I get a large number of rejects on scaling which exceeds the 50000 limit. So is there any way to increase this limit or another method of reducing the number of rejects? I can get scaling to work if I either cut the resolution down to 3.0 or lower but alternatively if I exclude alot of frames and leave say 90 then the rejects are below 50000 and the scaling produces data that looks good to at least 2.6-2.5A according to the I/sigma and an Rmerge <0.5 in the final shell, however the completeness suffers due to the low number of frames. I should also say that I am suspicious that one of the reasons for all the rejects might be that in the centre of the pattern the spots are of a good radial shape but towards the edge they become more elongated. I tried using the elliptical spot feature of HKL2000 but this doesn't seem to be ideal as the spots are not always elongated in the same direction.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated,

Mike Swan.
fn:Dr Michael K Swan
org:Mount Sinai School of Medicine;Physiology and Biophysics
adr:1425 Madison Ave;;16-26 East Bldg. Box 1677;New York;NY;10029;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Post Doctoral Fellow
tel;work:1 212 659 8667
tel;cell:1 646 675 8745

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