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LINK             ASN A  34                     SER A  37 TRANS
seems to work - note the TRANS. You need to put this TRANS into the pdb
file, then refmac reads it correctly, otherwise refmac writes 
'gap' itself, which does not work.


-----Original Message-----
Peter J. Miller
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:50 AM
To: ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk
Subject: [ccp4bb]: Gaps in chain with refmac

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I am refining a structure and am encountering a problem when I put my model
through Refmac.  I doing manual intervention with O version 10.0.3, and
refinement with Refmac version 5.2.0019 in CCP4 6.0.1 using the ccp4i GUI.
My structure contains multiple chains that have gaps in the sequence number.
This is in order to maintain continuity with other related proteins.  Every
time I refine my models in Refmac it removes the bonds between these
residues that I have just created in O.  It is not only annoying, but the
resulting maps then have positive Fo-Fc density where the bond should be!  I
am worried that my R and Rfree are being hurt by the missing bonds during
refinement.  I have tried telling the program that the residues are linked
by pasting links (below) at the top of the pdb after model building in O,
but it still removes them.  Please help.  There must be a way to tell Refmac
to leave my bonds alone, but I can't find anything in the Refmac GUI.  Is
there something I can do if I run Refmac from a .com file?  Thanks in

LINK         C   GLN E  59                 N   GLY E  61
LINK         C   PHE E  93                 N   LEU E  96
LINK         C   LYS E 129                 N   ASP E 132
LINK         C   ASP F  62                 N   GLY F  64
LINK         C   TYR F 100                 N   GLU F 105
LINK         C   SER F 182                 N   ASN F 186
LINK         C   TYR F 187                 N   SER F 189
LINK         C   GLY M  63                 N   TYR M  65
LINK         C   TYR M 100                 N   GLU M 105
LINK         C   SER M 182                 N   ASN M 186
LINK         C   TYR M 187                 N   SER M 189
LINK         C   GLN L  59                 N   GLY L  61
LINK         C   PHE L  93                 N   LEU L  96
LINK         C   LYS L 129                 N   ASP L 132

Peter J. Miller
Collins Laboratory
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill 919-966-9410

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