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I completely agree with Tassos. It would be very very very nice if I were not forced to be informed of people's vacation status whenever I try to post to the ccp4bb or respond to any of the queries.

I am sure the same happens with anyone who tries to send an email to ccp4bb. Perhaps no one wants those twenty or so additional 'on-vacation' emails in his/her inbox , if we can find a way to keep it from happening in the first place. But those emails don't dictate the end of the world either.

Thanks much.

Anastassis Perrakis wrote:

On 4 Dec 2006, at 16:44, Ballard, CC ((Charles)) wrote:

Dear All,

The issue with the HKL2000 e-mails seems to have been caused by the request for an acknowledgement of receipt of the e-mail, coupled with clients at Buffalo acknowledging the receipt back to the list. The current situation is that these e-mails (some 7000) have been deleted from the queues on the daresbury mail servers (which were taken off line to deal with the problem), and that the mail server at buffalo has been temporarily blacklisted to prevent more messages being sent. Hopefully this particular problem has been resolved.

Sorry for any inconvenience,

Charles Ballard

Ps - can people try and ensure that they do not ask for acknowledgements of receipt on e-mails sent to CCP4BB.

What would also be nice - but less critical - is if people instruct their out-of-office software to not respond to list emails - when I post anything to ccp4bb I have about twenty emails
from all the people that are presumably on vacation and I get jealous.


Raji Edayathumangalam
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Rockefeller University
Box 224. 1230 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021

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