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It looks like these are all bouncing from some router at University of Buffalo's Hauptman-Woodward Institute. It seems that certain posts from CCP4 to anyone with the email @hwi.buffalo.edu get bounced back. Hence the multiple posts. Not sure how to fix this but it is intriguing. I love a good mystery. I sent an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I have no idea if that will solve the problem.



Bil Clemons, PhD
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
157 Broad Center
MC 114-96
Pasadena, CA 91125
(626) 395-1796

On Dec 1, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Laurie Betts wrote:

I don’t know if I am the only one but I have gotten about 20 copies (not all at once but in spurts) of Michael Swan’s recent post about HKL2000 – his original one – CCP4 folks can you help?

Laurie Betts, Ph.D.

Core Facility Director

UNC Biomolecular X-ray Crystallography

Dept. of Pharmacology CB 7365

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC 27599



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