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A postdoc position is immediately available for protein crystallography.
Protein targets include essential proteins involved in innate immunity defense system, Parkinson's diseases and aging. Exciting preliminary results have been obtained recently.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to carry out (i) molecular biology, protein expression and purification methods to obtain insight into protein-protein interactions and (ii) to determine high resolution crystal structures of individual protein components, and in particular of protein complexes. Oklahoma state university has excellent research environment. We have on-site, convenient access to Departmental core facilities which include Mass spec,NMR, RT-PCR, DNA sequencing, 2-D protein electrophoresis, ultra-centrifugation and state of art x-ray diffraction system and much more.

Job requirements:
- A recent Ph.D degree in biological chemistry or physics.
- Good knowledge and/or experience with molecular biology for protein over-expression
- Experience with:
- protein expression and purification methods of soluble proteins in E. coli
        - characterizing purified soluble proteins
        - protein crystallization.
        - protein crystal cryo-protection procedures
- At least three years of experience with protein structure determination methods - Excellent interpersonal skills to function optimally in the project team and to cooperate with collaborators.

If interested, please send CV and contacts of three references directly to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Junpeng Deng, Ph.D
NRC 246
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Stillwater, OK 74078

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