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Proposal Deadline 31st January 2007

There will be beamtime available at the ESRF for MX data collection with
a setup that allows online monitoring of UV/VIS spectral changes of the
crystal during the X-ray diffraction experiment. Users who are
interested in using this beam time (including those who are members of
BAG Groups) should using the following mechanism:

http://www.esrf.fr/UsersAndScience/UserGuide/Applying/MXApplications. 2.
MX Non-BAG Proposals

and it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal form that
the online monitoring of spectral changes is necessary for the project.

A brief description of the device is given below however users are
encouraged to consult the webpages for detailed information:


As this is not a standard setup, it might take a significant amount of
time to train users, align the device, and analyse the data in order to
derive relevant data collection schemes. We will therefore schedule 24
hours for each project. The deadline for this specific application is
Wednesday January 31, 24:00

Dates: 1-4th March 2007
Storage Ring: 7/8 +1 (200mA)
Beamline: ID14-2
Energy: 13.29 keV

UV/VIS-range: 250-800nm
ODmax: 2-2.5
min integration time: 50ms
Light source: OceanOptics DH2000, Halogen/D2-lamp
Monitoring Light size: 0.03 (min) - 0.15mm(max)
Sampling freq (to disk): 10Hz or lower

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