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Dear Janxon;

First let me point out that guiSIDE is somehow deprecated, and that unless you have a very complicated complex in your AsU you can ask ARP/wARP to directly build side chains (which will be better, since it gives more restraints to refmac earlier). If however the content of your AsU contains different number of copies for different protein (eg. 2xA, 1xB), then send me a mail and we'll sort out a way for you to get a working interface.

Second, concerning the deletion of poorly ordered loops : there is nothing to do about that, it is a designed feature of ARP/wARP : as it build automatically a model, we want to get a result that the user can rely on on (rather than you have to go through it again and rebuild-it yourself). In other words, the current version of ARP/wARP will build only model that it is very confident in, you have to build the rest... it will optionally change in future, but that is how it works now.

Finally to answer the question about the 'DUM' atoms : this is the way ARP/wARP is modelling the electron density which is not explained by the molecular model. You can think of it as a set of coordinates where you put atoms just to model the density, still ARP/wARP will put them in such a way that an important portion of the coordinates are close to the real structure.

Also, note that there is a mailing list for help on how to use ARP/ wARP : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope this helped, cheers;


Le 14 janv. 07 à 14:18, JXQI a écrit :

Dear all,

I run the program ARP/wARP for automated model building starting from existing model, then fit side chains into an existing model using the guiSIDE program. and then build solvent atoms and refine the model with REFMAC5.

However, the ARP/wARP program will delete the poorly ordered loops and terminal residues, how can I construct these fragment?Another thing I should point is that the output PDB file contain the "DUM" atoms, what do these "DUM" atoms mean and how to solve this problem?

ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   1       7.817  31.022  16.968  1.00  6.11   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   2      27.858  51.264  23.112  1.00  7.95   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   3      28.753  32.799   4.072  1.00 12.62   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   4      24.556  53.204  16.967  1.00 10.89   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   5      26.084  50.702   5.264  1.00 13.27   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   6      22.806  41.055  10.335  1.00 12.34   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   7      10.146  28.321   2.780  1.00 13.30   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   8       8.311  28.644  14.631  1.00 14.69   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z   9      27.909  42.309  21.850  1.00 12.99   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z  10      28.409  44.926  -0.102  1.00 14.25   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z  11      28.175  38.202   9.397  1.00 17.63   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 131      22.074  46.534  23.732  1.00 34.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 132      15.511  42.358  19.101  1.00 34.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 133      19.091  25.057   6.946  1.00 34.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 134      18.494  24.460  -1.158  1.00 34.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 135      13.722  22.670  13.313  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 136      19.688  48.920  23.732  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 137      21.477  42.358  -6.946  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 138      -1.790  35.795   7.525  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 139      19.688  59.062  15.628  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 140      27.443  45.937  -5.209  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 141      27.443  37.585  -4.052  1.00 35.00   8
ATOM      1 DUM  DUM Z 142      19.091  58.466  22.574  1.00 35.00   8

Any suggestions and references would be appreciated.



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