printf is a library routine, called I would think from many programs.
Perhaps Martyn Winn can help?

Edward Miller wrote:

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Hi folks,

While trying to produce structure factors from a very large,
multimeric pdb with sfall, I encountered the following error message:

The program run with command: sfall has failed with error message
At line 4150 of file /sw/src/
Internal Error: printf is broken

I've encountered a printf error in the past with Refmac5 and posted
here with the subject "Refmac5 fails - printf broken". The solution
then was to just install the most recent version; I had Refmac 5.2x
and 5.3x did the trick.

Is there a new version of Sfall out there to download that could fix
this problem as well?

I'm running SFALL version 6.0 through ccp4i.


Ed Miller

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