REFMAC correctly decided when and when not to apply an anisotropic scale factor so I dont think that is the problem. Is the spacegroup correctly recorded in the problem data sets?

Jean-Paul Declercq wrote:

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I try to refine a structure belonging to space group F432 using REFMAC5 and CCP4i. I have several datasets corresponding to different complexes. For some datasets, the programme crashes apparently when it tries to compute an anisotropic scale factor:

Number of reflections in file      32013
Number of reflection read          32013
1error in ssyev_mo
Problem in aniso_eigens 1

I guess that an anisotropic scale factor is a nonsense in a cubic space group. I have tried to remove "LSSC ANIS" from the script, but the result is the same, probably because ANIS is the default value. How can I impose not to compute anisotropic scale factors ?

Surprisingly, some data sets are working nicely and give the message:

Number of reflections in file      21084
Number of reflection read          21084
===> Warning: No anisotropic scale factor for this space group


After this warning, the job continues to run.

I do not see fundamental differences between the usable and the unusable datasets.

Jean-Paul Declercq

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