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Dear Paul,

The resolution limits are decided as follows:

During integration, the high resolution is limited to where the
reflections are measured with an I/sigma of about 1.0. This resolution
limit is applied per-sweep.

During scaling, the resolution cut-off is set to where the I/sigma for a
sweep is about 2.0. This resolution limit is applied per-wavelength.

I have thought about offering the option of providing user-defined
resolution limits, but hadn't gone any further than this. Probably
providing configuration options for the integration and scaling average
I/sigma limits would be more appropriate - would this help in this case?
E.g. an I/sigma of 3.0 for scaling.

Hope this helps...



-----Original Message-----
Paul McEwan
Sent: 17 January 2007 12:31
To: ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk
Subject: [ccp4bb]: resolution cut off in Xia2

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Dear CCP4bb,
I've been having a bit of a play with Xia2 and it seems do perform well.
However, it seems to be getting a bit confused as to me upper resolution
limit (output stats below). Is there anyway in the input *.xinfo to
manually force a high resolution limit?

P.S. the data is for Se-SAD
                                           Overall  OuterShell

  Low resolution limit                       95.78      2.35
  High resolution limit                       2.23      2.23

  Rmerge                                     0.063     0.994
  Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.075     1.206
  Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.100     1.153
  Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.039     0.670
  Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.038     0.475
  Fractional partial bias                   -0.009    -0.141
  Total number of observations              250751     20063
  Total number unique                        38703      3804
  Mean((I)/sd(I))                             14.6       1.8
  Completeness                                92.5      64.7
  Multiplicity                                 6.5       5.3

  Anomalous completeness                      90.4      59.7
  Anomalous multiplicity                       3.4       2.9
  DelAnom correlation between half-sets      0.796     0.031
  Mid-Slope of Anom Normal Probability       1.692

Dr Paul A. McEwan
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Protein Crystallography Group
Centre for Biomolecular Science
Clifton Boulevard
University of Nottingham
Tel: 0115 8468009

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