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“Protein X-ray crystallographer or structural biochemist”

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Olga Mayans at Biozentrum, University of Basel. The qualified candidate will participate in a highly interdisciplinary project to investigate the conformational dynamics and function of specialized protein scaffolds of the muscle cell. This requires of the application of X-ray crystallography in combination with varied structural and biophysical approaches and, thus, a motivation to pursue structural biology in its several flavors.

Candidates must be experienced in biochemical procedures for protein production. Previous knowledge of X-ray crystallography is not a requirement, but preference will be given to candidates familiar with crystallization, X-ray data collection and computational treatment of data and models.

IMPORTANT: it is expected that, upon successful progress, the candidate will become involved in on-going international collaborations that might require traveling abroad for up to several weeks in occasions. This will be a unique opportunity to benefit from exposure to a range of techniques in prime laboratories. Thus, priority will be given to candidates interested in mobility.

The Division of Structural Biology at Biozentrum is fully equipped for the structural analysis of proteins and large assemblies using NMR, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and X-ray crystallography. A full range of protein expression systems are in operation for sample production and multiple biophysical techniques are available for sample characterization.

Applications should be in the form of a comprehensive CV, a one-page summary of past work and contact details for two referees.

For enquiries and applications contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The position is now available and the search will continue until the vacancy is filled.


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