Hi folks

Sorry to clog up the inboxes of those of you who don't run OS X on Intel
Macs and who haven't yet tried iMosflm!

I've had an error pointed out to me on the iMosflm web-pages. This affects
iMosflm running on Intel Macs only, but since there have been 60+
downloads there may be a few of you who have encountered the error!

The link to "treectrl2.1" was pointing to the "build-it-yourself" package,
rather than the pre-built files - so this would have required extra work
to install, and the installation instructions I provided were incorrect.

You will have been affected only if you get the following message on
trying to start iMosflm -

        Cannot use wish8.4 executable pointed to by
        MOSFLM_WISH environment variable.
        Your tcl/tk installation (/usr/bin/wish) is
        missing the following required tcl/tk packages:
        treectrl 2.1

I've now fixed the link so that the correct file should be referenced.

My apologies for any difficulties this may have caused.

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH

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