Hi folks,

I've been an AKTA user for probably close to ten years, and in this time
I've also used BioRad and several other systems. I'd like to make a couple
of comments since everyone seems to be enjoying this lively discussion :)

0. Choose the device for what *you* need. Some applications are equally
easy on whatever system you choose, whereas others are very difficult on
some of the systems. Having said this, I would argue that I never had any
trouble programming the AKTA systems (Explorer and purifier that is, NOT
the Prime or the FPLC) for any of the crazy multistep methods I've used.

1. For some reason, BioRad software was and is never really designed with
protein purification in mind. Not to say that you cannot use it - with
some training it's OK but the Unicorn software is intuitive from the

2. Unicorn has two faces. For the beginner, or for people who only use the
system sporadically, there is the pre-made 'wizard' interface that is
quite nice and robust. In my small opinion, the wizards lack elegance. For
the pro, there is the scripting interface which is exceptionally powerful.
Either way, programming an AKTA from scratch takes a couple of minutes.

3. I love AKTAS. But AKTA Prime is a waste of money. You can assemble a
component-based system for much less money that would do the same sort of

4. AKTA Purifiers can be configured for about the same cost as
competitors. I think the DuoFlow is still cheaper in the end, but its
default tubing set needs to be changed to much smaller diameter to
minimize the itnernal volume of the system. AKTA's come with thin tubes to
begin with.

5. The first thing I do on an AKTA system is take out the internal filter.
It serves almost no purpose except to annoy the user. I've passed
honey-think whole cell extracts through AKTA with no filters anywhere in
the system (important - no column filters either - they would clog up as
well!) with no ill consequences whatsoever. Naturally, I wouldn't put a
lysate like this on my $7000 MonoQ column - that'd be silly (I've seen
people do this, and the result isn't pretty). Filter your solutions and
everything would be OK :)



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