On Saturday 10 March 2007 12:34, Vineet Gaur wrote:
> can one use maps calculated using CNS in coot.
> i m facing the problem of core dump whenever i try to load map calculated
> in cns in coot.

You can either convert the CNS maps to CCP4 format using USF's

mapman <<EOF
read m1  ${prefix}_1fofc.map CNS
read m2  ${prefix}_2fofc.map CNS
write m1 ${prefix}_1fofc.map CCP4
write m2 ${prefix}_2fofc.map CCP4

replacing ${prefix} with the base path and filename of
your maps. Make sure to keep the ".map" extension for
the "Read map" function in Coot. Also take care to set
the contour level properly. 

Or you can use the script referred to in the Coot FAQ
at <http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~emsley/coot/coot-faq.html>
(somewhere in the second half of the page) to make
an MTZ file to read in Coot and calculate the maps on
the fly.

Good luck,

Lieven Buts
Ultrastructure Laboratory
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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